Combines award winning development projects and adventurous overland travel.


Madventurer gap year programmes combine overland travel with worthwhile group projects in rural areas. Madventurers take part in building, teaching, coaching and environmental projects before departing on overland tours. Madventurers depart every 2 months to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, with additional departures every July to Ghana, Peru and Guatemala.

Madventurer - Gap Year, Volunteer, Voluntary Work, Volunteering, Gap, Expeditions, Adventure, Adventure Holidays, Group Projects, Group Placements, Adventure Placements, Overseas Work, Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Summer, Easter, Development, Development Holidays, Trekking, Teaching, Teaching Abroad, Working Abroad, Time Out, Career Change, Conservation, Engineering, Football, Law, Medicine, Mad, Mad Foundation, Mottey, African Development, Community Development, Cultural Experience, Student Work

Development Projects and Adventurous Overland Travel