Offering volunteer wildlife conservation expeditions in various countries.
Conservation holiday volunteer workproject, volunteering, wildlife and environmental volunteer.Freiwilligenarbeit, Mitforscherreisen, Abenteuerurlaub, Abenteuerreisen,Arbeitsurlaub, Naturreisen, Expeditionsreisen. ecotourisme, Planete Urgence,protection de l'environnement, ecovolontariat, cotourisme, covolontariat,ecovolontaire, Des vacances studieuses, vacances actives, vacances detravail.
Youth International Experiences The World
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - Youth International. Information about experiential learning in East Asia or Africa, including intercultural exchange, community service, and home stays.
Volunteer abroad, TEFL Courses and more from i-to-i
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - i-to-i International Projects. Provides a variety of work experiences including teaching english as a foreign language, community development, conservation, construction, and skills development. - Welcome to Go Make a Difference
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - Go M.A.D. Go Make A Difference. International volunteer organization which works to match prospective volunteers with small social service projects around the world for short and long term stays.
Welcome to Fundacion Zoobreviven
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - Fundacion Zoobreviven. Ecuador conservation organisation preserving cloud forests and running community projects.
Volunteer Abroad Opportunities
Volunteer Abroad with Global Crossroad in more than 30 Countries. Global Crossroad offers most reliable, quality, and affordable volunteer abroad, internship, adventure and cross-cultural experience world-wide
Iko Poran
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - Iko poran. Offers international volunteers programs in Brazil.
Combines award winning development projects and adventurous overland travel.
Madventurer gap year programmes combine overland travel with worthwhile group projects in rural areas. Madventurers take part in building, teaching, coaching and environmental projects before departing on overland tours. Madventurers depart every 2 months to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, with additional departures every July to Ghana, Peru and Guatemala.
Inter-Cultural Youth Exchange
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - Inter-Cultural Youth Exchange. Sends volunteers to work with communities overseas in social and welfare placements abroad for one year or six months.