AJ's Cigar is the world's leading Online Cigar Store. We provide Wholesale Cigars, Premium Cigars and Discount Cigars at cheap and lower price.With its dark, rich Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduros are the perfect compliment to our world famous Romeo y Julieta line of cigars. A tasty Nicaraguan binder and a bold blend of Nicaraguan, Peruvian and Dominican long fillers finish out the cigar making for a deep, fuller bodied smoke boasting a lovely aroma and taste.
Romeo y Julieta CigarsRomeo y Julieta Cigars
AJ's Cigar is the world's leading Online Cigar Store. We provide Wholesale Cigars, Premium Cigars and Discount Cigars at cheap and lower price.With its dark, rich Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduros are the perfect compliment to our world famous Romeo y Julieta line of cigars. A tasty Nicaraguan binder and a bold blend of Nicaraguan, Peruvian and Dominican long fillers finish out the cigar making for a deep, fuller bodied smoke boasting a lovely aroma and taste.