Archaeological consultants based in South Wales and offering a fully bi-lingual service. Includes services, portfolio and news.


Archaeological services and consultancy - Trysor is a heritage consultancy based in Wales offering bilingual services to help tourism and community development groups make the most of history and archaeology. Sefydlwyd Trysor gan Jenny Hall a Paul Sambrook. Ymgynghoriad treftadaeth wedi'i leoli yng Nghymru yw Trysor sy'n cynnig gwasanaethau dwyieithog i gynorthwyo twristiaid a grwpiau datblygu cymunedol i wneud y mwyaf o'n hanes a'n harcheoleg.

Archaeological services and consultancy - Trysor, founded by Jenny Hall and Paul Sambrook, is a heritage consultancy based in Wales offering bilingual services to help tourism and community development groups make the most of history and archaeology. Gwasanaethau Archaeoleg - Ymgynghoriad treftadaeth wedi'i leoli yng Nghymru yw Trysor sy'n cynnig gwasanaethau dwyieithog i gynorthwyo twristiaid a grwpiau datblygu cymunedol i wneud y mwyaf o'n hanes a'n harcheoleg.

Trysor Archaeological Services