Big Dipper TechnoChem Instruments,analyzer,spectrum analyzer,analyzer,moisture analyzer,oxygen analyzer,gas analyzer,battery analyzer,particle size analyzer,oil in water analyzer,hydrocarbon analyzer,combustion analyzer,engine analyzer,co2 analyzer,h2s analyzer,analyzer general moisture,carbon dioxide analyzer,hydrogen sulfide analyzer,h2s in naphtha analyzer,total sulfur analyzer,h2s in diesel analyzer,h2s in gasoline analyzer,hydrocarbon in water analyzer,voc in water analyzer,h2s in water analyzer,h2s in amine analyzer,h2s in liquid analyzer,process analyzer,real time analyzer,chemistry analyzer,exhaust gas analyzer,breath analyzer,residual gas analyzer,blood gas analyzer,alcohol analyzer,flue gas analyzer,portable analyzer,oxygen gas analyzer,impedance analyzer,clinical chemistry analyzer,nova blood gas analyzer,rf spectrum analyzer,toc analyzer,analyzer h2s in naphtha,fat analyzer, alcohol analyzer,analyzer,analyzer general moisture,analyzer h2s in naphtha,battery analyzer,blood gas analyzer,breath analyzer,carbon dioxide analyzer,chemical analyzer,chemistry analyzer,clinical chemistry analyzer,co2 analyzer,combustion analyzer,engine analyzer,exhaust gas analyzer,fat analyzer,flue gas analyzer,gas analyzer,h2s analyzer,h2s in amine analyzer,h2s in diesel analyzer,h2s in gasoline analyzer,h2s in liquid analyzer,h2s in naphtha analyzer,h2s in water analyzer,hydrocarbon analyzer,hydrocarbon in water analyzer,hydrogen sulfide analyzer,impedance analyzer,moisture analyzer,nova blood gas analyzer,oil in water analyzer,oxygen analyzer,oxygen gas analyzer,particle size analyzer,portable analyzer,process analyzer,real time analyzer,residual gas analyzer,rf spectrum analyzer,spectrum analyzer,toc analyzer,total sulfur analyzer,voc in water analyzer,
Big-Dipper Technochem InstituteOffers chemical analyzers, and meters for moisture, humidity, pH and conductivity, in China.
BigDipper is the tech leading manufacturer for chemical analyzers, over industrial analysis, chemical analysis,and environmental analysis in China. Our advantage is about portable field smart test instruments and on-line measurement application system, STIM transducers, process analyzers, and some new smart portable analyzer, which are used in lab or at field. We also supply some qualified analyzers from other companies, to complement our major service