Welcome to Bio-Microbics Online


Bio-Microbics, Inc. is a Kansas City-based, manufacturer of advanced onsite wastewater treatment systems, high-strength wastewater systems, septic system retrofit systems, drainfield repair products, nitrogen reduction systems, denitrification systems, STEP Systems, small-diameter pump systems, low-pressure pump stations, membrane bioreactors, aeration systems, specialty clarifiers, effluent filters, wastewater screens, stormwater treatment systems, grease interceptors and polypropylene fill media for single-family homes, clustered residential developments, high-strength commercial applications, stormwater applications, grease removal, cooling tower water treatment and renovation of failing septic systems around the globe.

Offers a variety of wastewater treatment products, including the StormTEE, FAST, BioSTORM, RetroFAST, FOG Hog, NitriFAST and LagoonFAST systems.

Bio-Microbics, Inc.