Manufactures sampling equipment and accessories for hydrobiology, limnology, oceanography and marine biology. Products include water samplers, plankton nets, incubation chambers, plankton samplers, sediment traps, microcosms, limnocorrals, microscopy apparatus, sediment corers, subsampling apparatus, and custom machine shop services.
Aquatic Research InstrumentsAquatic Research Instruments - Equipment and services for Aquatic Research
Aquatic Research Instruments: plankton net, closing plankton net, bongo plankton net, Tucker trawl plankton net, stream sampling net, water sampler, horizontal water sampler, vertical water sampler, sediment corer, Russian peat borer, gravity corer, piston corer, percussion corer, plankton trap, Utermoehl phytoplankton sedimentation chamber, Folsom plankton sample splitter, sediment traps, limnocorral, plankton counting tray.