Muzeji Radovljike Obine -The Radovljica Municipality Museums


Muzeji radovljike obcine so zavod, ki zdruuje pet muzejskih enot: Mestni muzej v Radovljici, Galerija ivceva hia v Radovljici,Muzej talcev v Begunjah na Gorenjskem, Cebelarski muzej v Radovljici, Kovaki muzej v Kropi.Vabimo vas, da nas obicete!The Association the Radovljica Municipality Museums unites five different museums, the Museum of the Town Radovljica, the ivec House Art Gallery in Radovljica, the Museum of Hostages in Begunje na Gorenjskem, the Museum of Apiculture in Radovljica and the Iron Forging Museum in Kropa.

Unites five different museums, including the Museum of the Town, ?ivec House and Museum of Apiculture in Radovljica, the Museum of Hostages in Begunje na Gorenjskem, and the Iron Forging Museum in Kropa. Includes hours and entrance fees. Located in Slovenia. [English, German, Italian, Slovenian]

The Radovljica Municipality Museums