Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - ACDI/VOCA. A private, nonprofit organization that promotes broad-based economic growth and the development of civil society in emerging democracies and developing countries.
Foundation for Sustainable Development
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - Foundation for Sustainable Development. Offering several different service projects, a trip to the cloud forest in northern Nicaragua, and a trip to the beach on the Pacific ocean.
Choice Humanitarian
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - CHOICE Humanitarian. CHOICE Humanitarian offers solutions to the hardships of poverty in the rural villages of the world with simple technologies, self-help initiatives and public awareness.
Child Family Health International
Recreation, Travel, Specialty Travel, Volunteering - Child Family Health International. Service Learning in International Health for medical, pre-medical, and nursing students.
Child Haven International - soyacow machines in India
Child Haven International is a registered charity inspired by the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. At Child Haven, we assist children and women in 4 countries, who are in need of food, education, health care, shelter and clothing, emotional and moral support.
Global Volunteers International Service Programs: Teaching, Child Care, Community Development
Volunteer Abroad. More than 25 years mobilizing short-term international volunteers on service projects and work abroad programs on six continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. Volunteer vacations in the USA, China, Costa Rica, the Cook Islands, Ecuador, Ghana, Hungary, India, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania, Vietnam. Teach English, care for children and assist community development.