WRTH - The World Radio and TV Handbook
Recreation, Radio, Shortwave and DX Listening, Frequency, Schedule and Programming Guides - WRTH - The World Radio and TV Handbook. An annually published DX/Listener Guide to world radio, TV, and satellite stations.
Transmitter Documentation Project Page
Recreation, Radio, Shortwave and DX Listening, Frequency, Schedule and Programming Guides - Transmitter Documentation Project Page. Contains numerous links to shortwave stations, DX program information, transmitter site detail and transmitter histories.
Welcome to ShortWaveListener Now
Recreation, Radio, Shortwave and DX Listening, Frequency, Schedule and Programming Guides - English Language Transmissions. Worldwide English language transmissions, published by the Swedish DX-Federation.
AWR: Radio Broadcast Schedule
Recreation, Radio, Shortwave and DX Listening, Frequency, Schedule and Programming Guides - AWR: Radio Broadcast Schedule. Adventist World Radio schedules of broadcasts to all regions.