Digital Tape Recorder
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, VHF - Digital Tape Recorder. DF7KF features the digital tape recorder for meteorscatter (DTR MS).
International Meteor Organization
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, VHF - International Meteor Organization. Information about observing techniques, meteor showers, the meteor community, and solar system.
OM7AQ VHF and UHF pages
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, VHF - OM7AQ VHF and UHF pages. VHF, UHF,satellites, EME - ants, coax.
Homepage of Swiss Radio Club HB9CF
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, VHF - Homepage of Swiss Radio Club HB9CF. All about the Swiss Radio Club HB9CF, in German language.
DUBUS Homepage - The VHF/UHF/SHF gang
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, VHF - DUBUS Homepage - The VHF/UHF/SHF gang. The pages are written and hosted by G4PMK (the UK DUBUS representative) and have links to the US national representative, the DUBUS technical archives and other related sites.
CAT564 To Control OMNI VI+ Transceiver
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, Software - CAT564 To Control OMNI VI+ Transceiver. Control your OMNI VI+ with your PC from CAT564, an on going software development.
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, Software - ACARS Software. Download the ACARS Log Analyzer Demo.
MobileLog - Ham Radio Logging for the PocketPC
Recreation, Radio, Amateur, Software - MobileLog - Ham Radio Logging for the PocketPC. Features: beam headings and distance to DX, desktop/spreadsheet synchronization, customizable screens and detailed reports.