Recreation, Kites, Traction - Nice and easy kitebuggy pages about the Kitebuggy-scene in Belgium.
Central New Jersey Buggy Group
Recreation, Kites, Traction - Central New Jersey Buggy Group. Al Campos, Chris Mingrone and Glenn Pedro founded this group of east coast kite buggy enthusiasts.
AKFA Buggy Group
Recreation, Kites, Traction - AKFA Buggy Group. Kite traction club in Adelaide, South Australia.
North American Buggy eXpo (was SBBB)
Recreation, Kites, Traction - North American Buggy eXpo (was SBBB). Premier annual international kite buggy and kite ATB races held at Ivanpah Dry Lake, USA.
Andreas Napravnik
Recreation, Kites, Personal Pages - Andreas Napravnik. Enthusiastic German flier and builder.
Glenn Davison - Kiting USA
Recreation, Kites, Personal Pages - Glenn Davison - Kiting USA. A growing collection of resources related to miniature kite making and using kites in the classroom for educational purposes.
Bay Area Sport Kite League (BASKL)
BASKL is a no-frills competitive sport kite league in the San Francisco Bay Area. Costs are kept down, so entry fees are low. The idea is to provide regularly scheduled events in a local area. The purpose of the Bay Area Sport Kite League is to provide a forum in which Sport Kite Fliers of all skill levels can gather and learn from one another. While each league event will have competition at its core, the true focus of the league is to create a fun and exciting environment (an environment that will encourage the free exchange of ideas which will make all of us better kite fliers) and educate the public in the art and joy of competitive sport kiting.