Recreation, Food, Drink, Tea - Ethical Tea Partnership. Non-profit organization of tea companies aims to understand how tea is sourced, as well as to validate conditions on estates and factories by credible, independent monitoring.
Recreation, Food, Drink, Tea - Tea Council of the UK. The Guild of Tea Shops, pairing teas with food, tea glossary, and an extensive list of resources for tea merchants, organizations, and individuals.
Recreation, Food, Drink, Tea - Cat-Tea Corner. Cooking with tea, themed clip art, Teamail discussion list, Leaves of Tea web ring, and Tea Guide to shops in more than 50 countries.
Are you drinking the right tea for you? Learn about all the benefits of tea and make sure that you and your family have a healthier and more natural lifestyle.
Recreation, Food, Drink, Soft Drinks - BAWLS - Guarana. The light flavor refreshes while the Amazonian stimulant - Guarana, guarantees an exhilarating energy boost.