Recreation, Aviation, Aircraft, Soaring - Soaring Society of America (U.S.). The official SSA website has a database-driven section called where to fly.
Recreation, Aviation, Aircraft, Soaring - Soaring Weather Reports. Kevin Ford provides a Thermal Index Report Generator, instructions how to use it and the source code.
Recreation, Aviation, Aircraft, Soaring - Office of Marine and Aviation Operations. The OMAO fleet supports a wide range of marine activities, including fisheries research, nautical charting/mapping, and long-range ocean and climate studies.
The premier Northern California Glider Training and Soaring Site. Located in Williams, CA, North of Sacramento, CA. FAA certified flight training. Scenic Glider Rides. Become a glider pilot, learn to soar, enjoy motorless flight. Gift Certificates available.
Recreation, Aviation, Aircraft, Soaring - Bermuda High Soaring, Inc. Lancaster, South Carolina. Open 5 days a week, offering sailplane instruction, power pilot conversions and glider rides.
Recreation, Aviation, Aircraft, Soaring - St. Louis Soaring Association. A non-profit private club promoting the joy and excitement of motorless flight in the St.