SwedishBricks Home Page
Recreation, Autos, Makes and Models, Volvo - SwedishBricks. Features FAQs, details and pictures of models, mailing list, and reveals why the Volvo is referred to as a Brick.
Volvo 140/164/1800 Club of Norway
Recreation, Autos, Makes and Models, Volvo - Volvo 140/164/1800 Club of Norway. Enthusiasts feature news and photos of their cars.
Volvo 164 Club of Sweden
Recreation, Autos, Makes and Models, Volvo - Volvo 164 Club of Sweden. Club for Volvo 164 enthusiasts - includes pictures.
The Volvo Resource: brickboard.com
Recreation, Autos, Makes and Models, Volvo - Brick Board. Features model specific forums, photo galleries, events, Volvos in movies, FAQs, and buyers guides.
Recreation, Autos, Makes and Models, Volkswagen - Scirocco.org. Parts, photos, and chat and frequently asked questions for Scirocco owners.