Early American Industries Association, EAIA
Recreation, Antiques, Tools, Organizations - Early American Industries Association. EAIA membership information, Antique Tool Collecting and related information.
Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools
An ever-expanding gallery of antique tools for sale. New items are listed every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00 p.m. EST. Register for free automated E-Mail notices of new listings. Secure online ordering using SSL. Visit our Book Gallery of 400+ titles.
Chester Book Co. & Astragal Press
Recreation, Antiques, Tools - The Astragal Press. Publishers of books on woodworking, antique tools, blacksmithing and metalworking, carriages and sleighs, early trades, technology, construction techniques and design.
Woodplanes From The Past
Recreation, Antiques, Tools - Woodplanes From The Past. Devoted to the restoration of quality woodplanes, primarily Bailey and Stanley, and offering a variety for sale.