Early American Industries Association, EAIA
Recreation, Antiques, Tools, Organizations - Early American Industries Association. EAIA membership information, Antique Tool Collecting and related information.
Douwe's Tuberadioplaza
Recreation, Antiques, Radio, Personal Collections - Douwe's Tuberadioplaza. Photos of a collection of European multi-band tube radios, including Philips, Graetz and Pathe brands and ranging from 1934 to 1962.
Radio Gort
Recreation, Antiques, Radio, Personal Collections - Radio Gort. Photos of older European transistor portables, tube radios, receivers, and speakers.
antiekeradio.nl; Wouter's Antieke Radio Site
Recreation, Antiques, Radio, Personal Collections - Wouter's Antieke Radio Site. Wouter Nieuwlaat's radios and print advertisements, mostly by Philips plus a few other European brands, several articles on restoration, and a links page.
Recreation, Antiques, Radio, Personal Collections - Plasticradios.com. Devoted to the preservation of plastic tube radios, in bakelite, plaskon, and hard plastic.