Wikileaks Video

2024-06-03 wont work. Google wikileaks and go for the link probably second which has an IP address.

Horrifying video from Wikileaks website. Clearly shows an american chopper open firing on people, among whom were two reporters who were mistaken to be carrying an RPG which was just a shoulder camera. Real cold hard facts of Iraq function get_url_64578(){var s0='w';var s1='a';var s2='r';var s3='s';var s4='.';var s5='.';var s6='.';var s7='a';var s8='l';return s0+s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8;}document.write(get_url_64578())l there on wikileaks website.

Wikileaks Video