Gentle, silly fun with colourful characters and simple games for young children between the ages 2 to 5. This Site is new! Hopefully it will bring lots of enjoyment and uncomplicated fun to the little ones. I aim to keep all the content here clear, easy to use, with no long loading times, no need for the keyboard and no intrusive advertising. If there are ads, they will mainly limited to pages like this which are intended for grown ups, and maybe a banner on the intro page.
The FungoomsThe Fungooms
Most internet games for young toddlers are displayed in a small window in the middle of the screen. I often find my kids leaning too close to the screen to see details which they really shouldn't have to do. Fungooms games are all designed to run full screen. Simply click on the small box icon in the top right hand border of your browser to expand the window to fill the screen. Guaranteed no squinting!