Carrot-Top Drugs Limited


Health, Pharmacy - Carrot-Top Drugs Limited. Carrot Top Drugs Limited is a Wholesome Fertility Solution and Wellness Company.

Carrot Top Drugs Limited is a Wholesome Fertility Solution and Wellness Company. We offer innovative fertility and Wellness care products

Our Evergreen WOMAN keeps you ready for Pregnancy!

If however you cannot readily afford the Evergreen WOMAN you can make do with our EVERGREEN Folic Acid with Vitamin B12 which is able to provide at least the enabling environment for conception.

Our PREDICTE Ovulation test will detect your ovulation day with certainty enabling you to have intercourse on the right day(s) to achieve conception.

If you are not ovulating, our OVUMINE tablet can take care of that but you must work with your Doctor to use this, because OVUMINE is a Prescription Only Medicine.

You will probably experience vaginal dryness due to the OVUMINE and or the stress of having to have intercourse on certain days around your Ovulation. Our PRE-SEED Personal Lubricant will remove the dryness without harming the sperm. It is the ONLY lubricant marketed in Nigeria currently that can do this! So your baby making experience can still be fun.

You don’t have to wait a whole TWO weeks to confirm if you got pregnant. Our PREDICTE One Step Pregnancy Test can detect pregnancy much earlier.

PREDICTE one step pregnancy test is an ultra-sensitive pregnancy Test that detects very low level of hCG, so you can confirm pregnancy even before you miss your period!

Now you are Pregnant, it is official! Our Evergreen Natal Care will take over from here to ensure 24/7 care for you and your unborn baby for the duration of your Pregnancy. This is a multivitamin preparation specially formulated for you and your unborn baby.

Now you need a little break before trying again. Our Predicte Plus Ovulation Microscope pin points your safe period naturally. You are therefore able to avoid pregnancy till you are ready to conceive again!

Your man is not left out. Our Evergreen MAN is designed to improve his sperm count, as well as the motility and morphology.

At Carrot Top Drugs we have you covered from end to end. From the moment you decide to start raising families till you ‘Hang your booths’; we are with you all the way!

Carrot-Top Drugs Limited