Shashi Mishra Endodontics is a new, private endodontic referral and education service from Shashi Mishra.
Shashi works independently of all general and specialist practices over a wide catchment area from Royston, Hertfordshire.
He delivers the highest standards of non-surgical and surgical endodontic diagnosis and management combined with an outstanding patient and referrer experience.
Tel/ Fax: 01438 813766
Mobile: 07778 685956
Email: shashi@function get_url_deafe(){var s0='e';var s1='n';var s2='d';var s3='o';var s4='m';var s5='i';var s6='s';var s7='h';var s8='r';var s9='a';var s10='.';var s11='c';var s12='o';var s13='.';var s14='u';var s15='k';return s0+s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15;}document.write(get_url_deafe())
Endodontics Dentist