CranioSacral Therapy for Infants and Children


Health, Alternative, Massage Therapy and Bodywork, Cranial-Sacral Therapy - CranioSacral Therapy for Infants and Children. Gentle, non-invasive type of bodywork that is beneficial for infants and children for conditions such as infant colic, chronic middle ear infections, headaches, behavior problems, feeding difficulties, learning disabilities, neurological impairments, the effects of prolonged labor, instrumental delivery, and surgical birth childhood trauma.

Gentle, non-invasive type of bodywork that is beneficial for infants and children for conditions such as infant colic, chronic middle ear infections, headaches, behavior problems, feeding difficulties, learning disabilities, neurological impairments, the effects of prolonged labor, instrumental delivery, and surgical birth childhood trauma.

CranioSacral Therapy for Infants and Children