Heroin, Oxycontin and Vicodin detox and rehab. Rehab from opiates such as Vicodin, heroin and Oxycontin with rapid opiate detox using naltrexone withdrawal


The Coleman Institute is one of the most successful and innovative centers for addiction treatment in the country. Rapid Opiate Detox, drug withdrawal (including Xanax, Valium) and alcohol rehab using advanced medical techniques, including Naltrexone therapy. Successful drug rehab for Heroin, Oxycontin and Vicodin is faster, easier and less expensive with The Coleman Institutes rapid opiate detox using Naltrexone.

Recognized as the Advanced Center for Addiction Treatment. Specializing in detox treatments and programs for patients with a dependency or drug addiction to heroin, oxycontin, methadone, cocaine or other opiates.

The Coleman Institute