Held in Southern California, this LAN Party is 24 hours.


The SoCal LANParty - Orange County / Los Angles - 5.1 Speakers, Chicks, pr0n, etc. are welcome! That along with your trash talking n00b smackin self!

LANmaniac - The All Night and All Day LAN PARTY! 24hrs of LAN Ownij - Los Angeles / Orange County, Southern California LANPARTY - Affiliates HatLan,LAN Party Heads & OCLAN - This is a BYOC event and 5.1 speakers, beer (real gamers fuel), chicks, pr0n and what not is welcome! That along with your trash talking n00b smackin self! ( socal, cali, anaheim, frag, fusion, extreme, cyber, monster, huge, byoc, gigabit, news, review, article, video )
