Reach Out and Read (ROR)


Reach Out and Read is a national, non-profit organization that seeks to make literacy promotion a standard part of pediatric primary care, so that children grow up with books and a love of reading. Doctors and nurses prescribe reading aloud to their young patients, and give new books, at each well-chid visit, from 6 months to five years of age.

Reach Out and Read (ROR) is a program that promotes early literacy by bringing new books and advice about the importance of reading aloud into the pediatric exam room.

Doctors and nurses give new books to children at each well child visit from 6 months of age to 5 years, and accompany these books with developmentally appropriate advice to parents about reading aloud with their child. The ROR program model is based on research that shows a connection between the frequency of sharing books with babies, toddlers and young children and enhanced language development.

Since 1989, ROR pediatricians have been prescribing books and reading aloud for their young patients, with a special focus on children growing up in poverty. ROR trained doctors and nurses are currently promoting pediatric literacy at more than 2,500 hospitals, health centers and private pediatric practices. A national, non-profit literacy organization, Reach Out and Read is affiliated with the Department of Pediatrics, Boston Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine.

Reach Out and Read (ROR)