National Academy Of Osteopathy


National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO), located in Toronto, Ontario is founded as a Canadian institution that would offer an excellent education, be a catalyst for developing a unified profession, conduct research to further the scientific basis of manual osteopathy, become the home for knowledge related to manual osteopathy and be the face of the profession to governments, third party payers, and the general public.

National Academy of Osteopathy is the only school in Canada offering a 4 months full time manual osteopathy program.National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO), located in Toronto, Ontario is founded as a Canadian institution that would offer an excellent education, be a catalyst for developing a unified profession, conduct research to further the scientific basis of manual osteopathy, become the home for knowledge related to manual osteopathy and be the face of the profession to governments, third party payers, and the general public.

National Academy Of Osteopathy