City and Guilds - Fibre Optic Courses - Fibre Optic Training Installation and Testing Courses


City & Guilds 3666 & 3667 Fibre Optic Courses - Fibre Optic Training Courses- Advanced Fibre Optic Test and Measurement, Fibre Optic Training on Installation & Testing Services. Fibreplus Ltd has an ever expanding network of clients both as business and individuals, based throughout the UK, and provide free 3 year technical support to those clients who attend courses.

With Training Centres based around the UK, Fibreplus Ltd provides fibre optic courses to business and individuals alike, with no experience to the most experienced. Formed in 1999 the company has many years of experience in the Training telecommunications industry, and work tirelessly to gain the respect of its clients. Fibreplus Ltd has an ever expanding network of clients both as business and individuals, based throughout the UK, and provide free 3 year technical support to those clients who attend courses.

Fibreplus Ltd.