Font conversion program for anyone who needs more typefaces, wants to create new variations of fonts, or wants to use their typefaces in a broader variety of applications.
Universal Typeface - 1st in Font Conversion Technology and Services
1st in Font Conversion Technology and Services- typeface,AllType,convert,font,converter,FAIS,FastFont,FF1,FNT,FON,Intellifont. PageTech develops and markets printer driver and font related technology including printer drivers, printer driver libraries, custom typefaces, typeface converters, print file viewers, and HP PCL emulators for software and hardware developers. PageTech is the leader in HP PCL4/5 printer datastream indexing, archiving and retrieval or COLD technology. PCLTool SDK is the flagship product for any high-volume E-Form imaging application. Developer products include AllType Typeface Converter and FastFont Typeface Manager.