Delord, Christophe
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, People - Delord, Christophe. ENSEEIHT, France, Computer Science engineer, Artificial Intelligence (dialogue simulation, speech acts, PROLOG), Python, lexical and syntactic parsing.
Ron Brachman's home page
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, People - Brachman, Ron. Director of the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) at DARPA.
PetaMem Homepage
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language - PetaMem. Corporation developing natural language technology solutions for global business.
Innerkrust Records Home
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language - Crux Editions. Scientific publisher and consultant specializing in language technology.
Welcome to COLT: Computational Learning Theory
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning - Computational Learning Theory. A research field devoted to studying the design and analysis of algorithms for making predictions about the future based on past experiences.
Kernel-Machines.Org Kernel Machines
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning - Kernel machines. A central information source for the area of Support Vector Machines, Gaussian Process prediction, Mathematical Programming with Kernels, Regularization Networks, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, and related methods.
The SteeringBehaviors Webpage
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Games - Steering Behaviors. Description of techniques to autonomously steer vehicles through a predefined virtual world.
Genetic Daemon - home
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Projects - Genetic Daemon. The first genetic engine server, capable to work in a distributed resarch environment and with parallel processing.