DecsionQ Bayesian Predictive Analysis Software
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Belief Networks, Software - DecsionQ Bayesian Predictive Analysis Software. A data mining software company that has a fully automated data modeling and predictive analytics package.
Bayesline - A Bayesian Network Framework
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Belief Networks, Software - Bayesline. Very generic and free (LGPL) Belief Network Framework in C++ - supports a broad range of knowledge and dependency types for network variables and clusters of variables.
Knowledge Industries, Inc.
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Belief Networks, Software - Knowledge Industries, Inc.. Builds and licenses diagnostic software based upon Bayesian Belief Networks for medical, industrial and management applications.
Welcome to IFAAMAS
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Agents, Events - AAMAS 2003. Second international joint conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
Intelligent software agents from A to Z
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Agents, Directories - Intelligent software agents from A to Z. Directory of virtual assistants and intelligent agents for every days and every tasks.
ImageCanada. Guide to Canadian Image Resources
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Vision - ImageCanada. Guide to Canadian Image Resources. Canadian image related resources on the web: imaging, image processing, image analysis, computer vision, computer graphics, digital art and multimedia, companies, academic groups, conferences, organizations, jobs.
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, People - Pratt, Lorien. Neural network researcher and telecommunications analyst.
Norvig, Peter
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, People - Norvig, Peter. Artificial Intelligence, natural language, Lisp and Java in AI.