Hotels in Groton, Connecticut, Hotel in Groton, CT, Groton Inn & Suites


Be sure to ask our friendly staff about the Cupcake Lady. If you wish to bring your favorite movies with you, let us know and we will set up a DVD player in your room for your personal viewing pleasure!

The Groton Inn and Suites hotel is conveniently located along the Mystic/Groton, CT shoreline area framed by the scenic Thames River and Mystic River. Our hotel is one of the hotels in Groton that offers extraordinary value. Our apartments come with fully equipped kitchens, giving you the option to bring in the famous “Mystic Pizza” or prepare your own local fare. Be sure to ask our friendly staff about the Cupcake Lady. If you wish to bring your favorite movies with you, let us know and we will set up a DVD player in your room for your personal viewing pleasure!

The Groton Inn and Suites