Special Heaters: Elmec Speciality Heaters,Cartridge Heaters,Nozzle Heaters,Manifold Heaters


Elmec Speciality Heaters is one of the most sought after brands in INDIA and it is now positioning itself well in the global markets. Elmec Speciality Heaters offers the most complete product line in the industry.

Elmec Speciality Heaters pioneering itself as the manufacturer of Cartridge Heaters, Hot Runner Coil Heaters,Nozzle Heaters,Manifold Heaters & Thermocouples etc,Elmec Speciality Heaters offers the most complete product line in the industry.Elmec High Watt Density Cartridge Heaters are most advanced technology and quality raw materials,enables usage with high density in small spaces.Elmec hot runner heaters are made of nickel chrome resistance wire placed inside chrome nickel steel tube filled with mgo powder and compacted for faster and efficient heat transfer.

Elmec Speciality Heaters