The Green Agency


To put it all in perspective, Reagan and Bush were in the White House, the FDA approved Prozac and the world lost Andy Warhol. OCtPlatoonOCL won Best Picture and Dionne Warwick won the Grammy. We were watching Family Ties and LA Law. The ad world introduced Twix, Cup of Soup, and Plymouth Mini-Vans. Also in 1987, The Miami Herald labeled this town OCtthe new Casablanca.OCL Enough reasons for the Green sisters, Lauren and Tammy to hang their first OCtgOCL on the door. Eighteen years later, (and a few locations, too) The Green Agency maintains its formidable reputation by building global careers for an extraordinary clientele of models and actors. No longer considered just a local agency, The Greens and their staff are booking worldwide campaigns for international brands.

Miami Beach representation for print, television, and fashion production.

The Green Agency