

Controlled REcycling of Valuable Elements in Technology for Ecological production of Crustaceans

Crevetec wants to provide a total solution for ecological (and economic) production of shrimp. This means shrimp will be produced with maximum efficiency of feed and minimum impact on the environment (no effluents). This will be achieved by: Shrimp farming with zero exchange of water, by means of in-pond purification of pond water. Bacterial flocks will return in the pond and recycled by shrimp directly or indirectly. On farm production of tailor-made, high quality feeds. Local ingredients will be used in the formula together with the necessary imported raw materials and concentrates. Focus on those feeds is not low cost, but maximum digestibility/production, and lowest feed conversion. Optimisation of feed utilization by close collaboration with the shrimp farmer for feed formulation, logistics, storage and feeding management. We can work with an open formula, which means the farmer can choose with us which quality he wants for his farm and will know how the price of the feed is formed. Assistance for existing Aquaculture feed production units: Audit of formulas, ingredients used and production system
