4Cs Breeding Technologies, Inc.
Business, Agriculture and Forestry, Aquaculture, Consulting Services - 4Cs Breeding Tachnology, Inc.. Consultants in genetic breeding technology for application by molluscan shellfish growers and hatcheries.
Aquatic Advisors, LLC
Business, Agriculture and Forestry, Aquaculture, Consulting Services - Aquatic Advisors LLC. Consultants in land based aquaculture systems, based in Massachusetts, USA.
Aqua Sierra Fisheries Consultants, Inc.
Business, Agriculture and Forestry, Aquaculture, Consulting Services - Aqua Sierra Inc.. Provides Management Services in all aspects of Aquaculture development and production.
MegaPesca - Fisheries and Food Consultants
Business, Agriculture and Forestry, Aquaculture, Consulting Services - Megapesca Lda. Consultants to government and industry on a range of issues including fisheries development, economics and policy, fish handling processing and quality assessment.
Controlled REcycling of Valuable Elements in Technology for Ecological production of Crustaceans
Phoenix Pest Control
Business, Agriculture and Forestry, Aquaculture, Consulting Services - Phoenix Pest Control . Termites, Ants, Scopions and Mice.