Sidkoff , Pincus & Green


Business, Accounting, Business-to-Business - Sidkoff , Pincus & Green. A business lawyer in Philadelphia may suggest tips to keep in mind if they feel they have been wrongfully terminated by their employer.

A business lawyer in Philadelphia may suggest tips to keep in mind if they feel they have been wrongfully terminated by their employer. SPG suggests individuals ask their employer for the reason of their termination. They also may suggest re-reading the conditions of their employment contract so they have an understanding of all conditions involving their employment. It is also important to not act negatively or speak negatively about the employer. For more legal advice regarding wrongful termination, individuals can contact SPG today by calling 215-574-0600.

About SPG

SPG was founded in 1958 and is one of the oldest law firms in Philadelphia. Having recently surpassed its 55th anniversary, SPG believes that its longevity stems from its attorneys’ passion, skills, and results.

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Sidkoff , Pincus & Green