Alternative - The Other Country Tm

2024-07-04 is a search portal that will hopefully enrich the music experience for you our visitor. This site will not attempt to redefine any genre, but rather be a resource for music that is generally accepted to fall under this heading. Inclusive of these music reference terms would be Americana, No Depression, Alt-Country, Insurgent Country, Left of Center Country, Twang, Progressive Country, Alternative Country-Rock, Alt-Twang, Alternative Country and the list goes on...Debates have been raging for years about what this genre of music should be called (if it is indeed a genre) and after over a decade of discourse no one appears to be any closer to a definition...and does it really matter? It's not the label that is important, it's the music...So if these pages can be helpful by bringing you closer to the music you love and live, then please, visit often.

Features industry news, record reviews, and a handy radio station guide