New Zealand Hash House Harriers
Sports, Running, Hashing, Oceania - New Zealand Hash House Harriers. The official site with directory of hash clubs in New Zealand.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Hash House Harriers
Sports, Running, Hashing, Oceania - Kalgoorlie-Boulder Hash House Harriers. Includes run schedule, photos, contact information, and club song.
Australian Hash House Harriers
Sports, Running, Hashing, Oceania - Australian Hash House Harriers. Everything you need to know about the Hash House Harriers in Australia.
Capital Hash House Harriers
Sports, Running, Hashing, Oceania - Capital Hash House Harriers. A mixed club that runs on a Monday night at 6:00 PM in and around the Capital Territory.
Belconnen Hash House Harriers
Sports, Running, Hashing, Oceania - Belconnen Hash House Harriers. Running since May 1984 in Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory.