Sports, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Schools and Instruction - Eddie Monger Thunder Kickboxing. Training in kickboxing, self defense, boxing and Muai Thai.
wendybodnar offers stress management seminars, consulting services, custom and standard in-house training seminars, Building Energy training seminars, trainer certification, a web store, videos, booklets by Wendy Bodnar, and more.
Sports, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Schools and Instruction - Fuseki Martial Arts. Information on the system's origins and founder, as well as training and certification in Nottingham, England.
Sports, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Schools and Instruction - National Martial Arts College. Kickboxing training for children and adults, black belt club, and leadership program, located in Leeds, England.
Sports, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Schools and Instruction - Raptors Kickboxing. Schools, instructors and class locations, competition dates and reviews for semi-contact and light-contact continuous kickboxing based on lau gar kung fu.
Sports, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Schools and Instruction - Information about stretching, diet, competing, kickboxing, self-defence and mixed Martial Arts.
Sports, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Schools and Instruction - Bushido Martial Arts. Information site of Irish club and home of world kickboxing champion, Roy Baker.
Aerostrike Combat Programs range from aerobic self-defence classes to contemporary free-style martial arts, combining the traditional values of Karate and the Martial Arts. Programs are tailored for children, youth and adults.