Welcome To The Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Association
Sports, Martial Arts, Karate, Wado Ryu - Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Association. Organization based in Gloucestershire practicing Wado-Ryu, as founded by Grand Master Hironori Ohtsuka.
Organization information, member clubs and activities.
Karateklubb Samurai-dojo (KSD) has the basic ideology to contribute to the society with a meaningful and healthy activity for everybody. It would be the greatest pleasure of KSD if those who train Karate at KSD will feel better in some way either/both physically and mentally and have a better and happier life.
Wado International Karate-Do Federation
Sports, Martial Arts, Karate, Wado Ryu - Wado International Karate-Do Federation. This site contains information on the Wado International Karate-Do Federation, founded by Tatsuo Suzuki, with locations of dojos throughout the world.