Managenius - Management and employee coaching for success
Managenius offers business consulting to companies with employee problems, sales and marketing challenges, and product development needs. Using our Coaching for Success System will increase productivity by improving employees' success, eliminating bad attitudes, and focusing all employees on their development.
Software for Labor Negotiators
Software that conducts economic labor analysisand forecasting, including the costing of compensation, benefits,time-off, work rules and legislated payments. Developed by a labornegotiator, and equally useful for human resource professsionals innon-union environments.
National Academy of Arbitrators
Society, Work, Labor-Management Relations - National Academy of Arbitrators. A non-profit professional and honorary organization of arbitrators.
Trades Union Congress - TUC - Britain at work
Society, Work, Labor-Management Relations - Trades Union Congress (TUC). The national trade union centre in the UK, representing the vast majority of organized workers.
Sewer Contractor Management Guide
It explores what the contractor needs to manage his work properly, starting from structuring the company departments, tendering, implementing of projects and until it is handed over.