Society, Religion and Spirituality, Gnosticism, Apologetics - gnosticschristians.com. To create a network of Christians who wish to enrich their existing faith by being inspired by the Gnostics and their open and inquistive style of faith.
Gnosis, Samael Aun Weor - Centro Gn?stico Anael.
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Gnosticism, Apologetics - Anael Gnostic Center. Offers articles on topics like Gnostic Psychology and the Meanings of Dreams.
The Nazirene Home Page
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Gnosticism, Apologetics - The Nazirene Home Page. Offers to divulge the original teachings of Jesus the Nazirene.
The Sabbatarian Network
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Gnosticism, Apologetics - The Sabbatarian Network. Defining the Sabbatarian doctines on Yahshua, Yahweh, the Holy Spirit, the nature of Yahweh, the Sabbath, and other Biblical issues.
The Pearl...a Christian Gnostic website
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Gnosticism, Apologetics - The Pearl...a Gnostic Christian website. Church of the Pearl.
Devoted to the philosophy of the nonjudgmental process of reasoning.
True Gnostic Christianity is not a mystery religion or heretical cult. It teaches a non-judgemental process of reasoning, which when added to the current judgemental process, expands our consciousness of reality. In this enlightened consciousness we are empowered resolve all problems and as Paul said live the good life as from the beginning He [God] had meant us to live it.