www.JoanBorysenko.com --- Dixon Rd. Boulder, CO 80302
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Esoteric and Occult, Shopping - Dr. Joan Borysenko. Noted lecturer who has managed to bring spirit, science, medicine and psychology together in the service of healing.
The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Survivor Accounts
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Esoteric and Occult, Shopping - Official site for Al Bielek - Philadelphia Experiment. Site features the most in-depth compilation of interviews with survivors of the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk project to date.
Astral Projection
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Wicca & Witchcraft Supplies
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Esoteric and Occult, Shopping - Sacred Mists Shoppe. Carries ritual items including unique and imported products.