Griffin, Mark - Hard Light Center Of Awakening
Hard Light Center of Awakening is a forum for the study of meditation - Founded by meditation Master Mark Griffin, who lives in Nirvikalpa Samadhi, and studied with Baba Muktananda. Shaktipat is offered monthly in Los Angeles.
The Website of Leonard Jacobson
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Enlightenment, Teachers - Jacobson, Leonard. Spiritual teacher, mystic and healer.
KFI - Krishnamurti Foundation India
This is the official website of the Krishnamurti Foundation India. The activities of the Foundation include the preservation and dissemination of Krishnamurti's teachings, the running of schools, environmental conservation, rural education and health care.
Krishnamurti Activities in New Zealand
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Enlightenment, Teachers - Krishnamurti Activities in New Zealand. Concerned with Krishnamurti networks in New Zealand.
Brockwood Park School
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Enlightenment, Teachers - Brockwood Park School. Quotes and information on the school, its curriculum, ambiance and philosophy.
Krishnamurti Text Collection
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Enlightenment, Teachers - Krishnamurti Text Collection. Almost complete collection of Krishnamurti's work online.
Homepage of Prof. P. Krishna
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Enlightenment, Teachers - Prof. P. Krishna. Online articles relating to Jiddu Krishnamurti's life and teachings and education.
Radiant Spirit International: Home of Enlightened Masters
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Enlightenment, Teachers - Radiant Spirit International. Organization dedicated to the Enlightenment of our world through the grace of becoming fully Enlightened Radiant Masters.