Vitale, Sheila R.: Living Epistles Ministries
Original Translation Of The Scripture according to the Doctrine of Christ, the deepest (Mysteries) of the four levels of understanding: literal, serminic, inferences mysteries. Bible, Alternate Translation Bible, Bible Studies; Doctrine of Christ, Gold Dust, Christian Bible Studies, Philosophy, Christian Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy, Books, Christian, Sheila R. Vitale, Spiritual Teacher, Mysticism, Christian Mysticism, Spirituality, Gnosticism, New Age, Metaphysics, Religion, Theosophy, Apologetics, Spiritual Psychology, Jesus, Christ, God, Spiritual Books, Bible Studies, Esoteric Teaching, Christian Esoteric Teaching, Sod
Tredway, Jeremy and Rebecca
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - Tredway, Jeremy and Rebecca. Blog, the cosmological argument restated, movie reviews, and grade school book recommendations.
Thinking Anglicans
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - Thinking Anglicans. Blogs from a liberal Anglican perspective covering news, events and documents that affect church people.
Taylor, H. Mark: The Watering Whole
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - Taylor, H. Mark: The Watering Whole. Encouraging and thought-provoking articles and poetry.
Tait, David: Walking with Jesus Ministries
A unique mix of facts, fun and the Christian faith to entertain, inform and challenge you. Introducing God's-Tabernacle (Apostolic) Church and the 'Praise God it's Monday!' worldwide newsletter of encouragement.
The Truthseeker Homepage
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - The Truthseeker Homepage. Poems and short reflections on Bible passages, today's culture, and the Christian life.
Articles on a wide range of topics.
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - Scheifler, Michael: Bible Light. Articles on a wide range of topics.
The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - Smith, Brendan Powell. Selected news stories and amusing photos.
Stouffer, Carlos: Jesus Politics
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - Stouffer, Carlos: Jesus Politics. Weblog from a Christian commenting on the connection between religion and politics mostly in the United States.
Tao of Christ Home
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Personal Pages - Tao of Christ. Pastor follows Christianity in dialogue with the ancient truths of Tao.