Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Pastoral Resources - OzSermonIllustrations. Hundreds of free sermon illustrations, focusing on stories and anecdotes written from an Australian perspective but international in scope.
Discipleship Library
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Pastoral Resources - Discipleship Library. Providing digitized messages by many of the world's leading disciplers spanning the last 60 years.
Living Covenant Ministries International
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Pastoral Resources - Living Covenant Ministries International. Inter-denominational and invites people to discover who they are created to be, this is accomplished in workshop, consultation, and counseling settings.
Matthias Media
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Pastoral Resources - Matthias Media. Publisher of bible studies, books, magazines, audio cassettes, videos, evangelistic resources, training resources and music.
Equipping Saints Ministries
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Pastoral Resources - Equipping Saints. Includes articles and lessons on spiritual growth.
Provide mediation services, church seminars, curriculum, and a preemptive conflict resolution system for congregations.
Though located in the Washington, DC - Baltimore, MD metro area, Dr. Newberger serves churches in conflict throughout the nation. He also provides coaching by phone as well as onsite training and intervention. Church conflict, church disputes, church problems relating to church health are his specialties. Red the many testimonials regarding his work as a church consultant.
Church Consultants - Center for Parish Development - Church Consulting
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Pastoral Resources - Missional Church. A not-for-profit ecumenial research and consulting agency helping churches make the transformation from a former chaplaincy/vendor of services role to a missional role in an unchurched society.
Easum Bandy & Associates
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Pastoral Resources - Easum Bandy Associates. Provide resources, services and networks to equip church leaders for ministry in the 21st Century.