- Carelinks Ministries: Homepage - Carelinks - www.carelinks.net
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Reaching out to individual cases of persecution. Carelinks ministries aims to reach out to individuals and their families who have been persecuted as a result of their conversion to Christ.
In Touch Mission International
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - In Touch Mission International. An evangelistic ministry serving the persecuted church and individuals in restricted access countries throughout Eastern Europe and Africa.
Christian Persecution Magazine
Christian Persecution Info is a Christian news journal that covers to the broadest degree Christian persecution that is running rampant throughout the world. The coverage of Christian persecution news at Christian persecution info is unabashed in detailing the events occurring throughout the world.
Alle-Kiski Today Online :Inspired
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Visions of Glory. Christian inspirational webcasts with a section on persecution news.
Christian Monitor: Home
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Christian Monitor. Christian Monitor provides resources and information on Christian persecution and the suffering Church.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Christian Solidarity Worldwide. A Voice for the Voiceless seeking to demonstrate solidarity with the suffering and persecuted Church worldwide.
Keston Institute
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Keston Institute. Monitors freedom of religion and researches religious affairs in communist and post-communist countries.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide - USA
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Works for the liberty of persecuted Christians and oppressed children throughout the world.
Voice For Life
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Voice For Life. Pregnancy help centers, maternity homes, and sidewalk counseling ministries share reports of how God saved babies from abortion.
True Grace Ministries Website Directory
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - True Grace Ministries. Nondenominational Christian organization advocating freedom of religion, and faith in God.
Gary Demar American Vision
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Issues - Gary Demar American Vision. Current events analysis from Christian Reformed perspective.