Kansai Soka School system.
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Buddhism, Lineages - Kansai Soka School system.. Offers guide to the philosophical underpinnings of the soka schools educational curriculum, along with current school system news and junior and high school general campus information, teaching guidelines, and history.
Soka Gakkai International Official Website : Home
Worldwide Buddhist network which promotes peace, culture and education through personal transformation and social contribution. Buddhist concepts, news, links with SGI organizations around the world and more.
Romancing the Buddha
Romancing the Buddha l Now in Print! - inspiring book about how one man has used his practice of Nichiren Buddhism to overcome adversity, develop positive relationships, win at work, and find inner peace. Very readable.
SGI-USA: Buddhist Association for Peace, Culture and Education, Nichiren Buddhism
Our philosophy is rooted in the concept of human revolution, a process of inner transformation through Buddhist practice. We believe that happiness is being able to experience profound joy that comes from never being defeated by any problem in life. The constituent organizations and members of the Soka Gakkai International embrace the fundamental aim and mission of contributing to peace, culture and education based on the philosophy and ideals of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.
Ashuzan Myosenji Temple Home Page
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Buddhism, Lineages - Ashuzan Myosenji. Serves the east coast of the United States south of Pennsylvania, and contains an introduction to the practice, sermons, and temple schedule information.
Daihozan Myosetsuji
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Buddhism, Lineages - Daihozan Myosetsuji. Schedule, location, photo album, and study information.
Udumbara Foundation
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Buddhism, Lineages - Udumbara Foundation. Organization for the Shoshin-kai.
Nichiren Shoshu
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Buddhism, Lineages - Nichiren Shoshu. Features ongoing activities, temple locations, and material for experienced practitioners and newcomers.
Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist Church of Hawaii
Welcome to Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist Church of Hawaii....Practicing Buddhism for Everyday Living. We strive to cultivate our spirituality by practicing the teachings in our daily lives, realize the Universal Truth and build great harmony within ourselves, family, community, and the world.
Rissho Kosei-kai
Society, Religion and Spirituality, Buddhism, Lineages - Rissho Kosei-kai. Outlines basic beliefs, teachings, and practice and provides overviews of official publications and peace activities.