The National Initiative for Democracy
The National Initiative for Democracy creates a 'Legislature of the People' or 'Direct Democracy' using the ballot initiative, and establishes a legislative partnership between the People and their elected representatives.
Initiative and Referendum Institute
Society, Politics, Democracy, Direct Democracy - Initiative and Referendum Institute. Non-profit non-partisan research and educational organization dedicated to the expansion of the initiative and referendum process in the US.
I&R: Citizens' Initiative and Referendum
Society, Politics, Democracy, Direct Democracy - IR: Citizens' Initiative and Referendum. Proposals and campaign resources for direct democracy such as citizens' initiative, referendum, and recall in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Direct Democracy meeting place
Society, Politics, Democracy, Direct Democracy - DDemocracy Meeting Place. Large list of direct democracy sites arranged by country, with new URL's added by visitors.
Why Not Vote?
Society, Politics, Democracy, Criticisms of Democracy - Why Not Vote?. Offers simple reasons not to participate in demcratic government, with answers to common objections.
Society, Politics, Democracy, Criticisms of Democracy - Argues that liberal democracy's current supremacy does not mark the end of history, and that its consumerist flaws will result in its popular and scholarly diminution in favor of Left ideologies.
Center for New Community - Home
The mission of the Center for New Community is to build community, justice, and equality. CNC currently focuses its efforts through three highly successful programs - The Building Democracy Initiative counters organized racism, anti-immigrant activity, and other forms of bigotry through strategic research, community organizing, education and training around the globe. The Revitalizing Congregations and Communities program develops congregation and parish-based community organizations to work for social and economic change in small cities and rural areas. The Rural Pastors Institute supports and enhances the ministries of rural congregations, parishes, and pastors, advances pastoral excellence and leadership, and strengthens community life. The Center for New Community is an independent, non-profit, tax-exempt organization supported by gifts and contributions from individuals, families, the religious community and foundations.
Websters World of Cultural Democracy
Society, Politics, Democracy - Websters World of Cultural Democracy. A Web center for information and discussion about the world of cultural democracy.
Ethic of Citizenship
This site introduces the idea that representation is the highest obligation of citizenship.