Political Parodies : Conservative Humor
Society, Politics, Humor, Music - Paul Shanklin Parodies. Voice impersonator Paul Shanklin has become famous for his accurate portrayals of Bill Clinton, James Carville, and Ross Perot among other political figures.
It's Inevitable, Hemp
Society, Politics, Humor, Commercial Sites - It's Inevitable, Hemp. The hemp debate and insights to this product that has been accepted and rejected over the years.
The Green Party of England and Wales
Society, Politics, Green, Parties - The Green Party of England and Wales. Detailed, up-to-date website, including in depth news and articles about national and international green issues, past election results and current campaigns.
Green Parties World Wide
Society, Politics, Green, Parties - Green Parties Worldwide. A list of Green Parties and associated groups from across the world, divided by continent.
The Center for Economic Justice
Economic Justice's missions are to strengthen international grassroots movements to counter corporate-driven globalization and to promote just alternatives. Following the direction of the groups themselves, CEJ aims to support them in concrete ways, helping them gain power in their fights for environmentally healthy, human-centered, and sustainable economies.
Global Greens Conference Website
Society, Politics, Green, Chats and Forums - Global Greens Conference Website. Worldwide posting board for Greens.